Over £6 Million for Welsh from the Language Board

The Welsh Language Board today announced details of this year’s grants programme, worth over £6 million – an increase of 35% on last year’s total.

“This is the highest total ever, and the additional programme money is an opportunity for us and our partners to work together to ensure the success of Iaith Pawb, the Welsh Assembly Government’s policy document on the Welsh language,” according to Board Chair, Rhodri Williams.

The three main strands of expenditure for 2003/04 reflect the three elements which form the basis of the Assembly Government’s policy. “The Board and its partners have nurtured the need to treat the language and its requirements at community and national level, without forgetting the needs of the individual. We now have funds available to enable us to broaden our horizons and intensify our efforts,” said Mr Williams.

“The Assembly has set its expenditure horizons over a period of three years, which enables us to successfully plan our activities. At last, we can look to the future on a firmer foundation than before, and the Assembly Government in this means that organisations are able to plane ahead on a strategic level.

“We now have a firmer financial base to our planning, but we have to be totally aware of the additional responsibility which comes with progress – a responsibility which touches everyone connected with the Welsh language. It is vitally important that we all work together, move forward together and share this important responsibility,” he added.


Notes for Editors

  1. The 2003/04 grants are allocated under two main headings – Education and Training and community development. The Board distributes grants under Section 3 of The Welsh Language Act 1993, to “promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language”.
  2. £3,707,900 has been allocated in education and training grants this year. These grants form a major part of the funding for the Athrawon Bro service (Welsh language support teachers) in all LEAs. This year, the Board has also provided funding for LEA language centres for latecomers to the Welsh language and for residential language courses, and is also funding a number of experimentral schemes, looking at new ways of promoting bilingualism in the classroom. Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin will receive £1,000,000 in grant aid this year.
  3. Two new Mentrau Iaith receive a total of almost £60,000, under the community development heading, one in the Vale of Glamorgan and the other in the Merthyr Tydfil area.
  4. The Urdd Eisteddfod and the National Eisteddfod also receive an increase in their grant for the coming year. The Board will be working with the National Eisteddfod to discuss how they can increase the number of visitors to the festival every year, and how also to continue community activities in different areas after the festival has left. The Urdd receives a considerable increase in its grant this year, which will enable them to concentrate on promoting their work through sport, the internet and through further developing the Urddaholics scheme.
  5. For more details or for a full list of the Board’s grant allocations for 2003/04, please contact the Welsh Language Board Press Office on 029 2087 8000.